The Roqqett checkout for charities helps you collect donations and gift aid at a fraction of the cost of traditional methods.
Use the power of our cutting edge payments technology to take donations and collect gift aid in a brand new way.
The costs of raising money for charity should be as low as possible. Current event-giving platforms charge charities as much as 10%. Donors are often charged a fee too and we don't think that's fair.
Keep scrolling to find out how Roqqett solves this.
Checkouts need to be quick and simple when processing donations. Charities work so hard to win the attention of potential donors so they should not be lost due to a poor payment experience.
Roqqett collects payments, captures gift aid details & consent and makes the whole process incredibly quick and easy. Making this low-priced means that more money goes to you, the charity, to help you grow.
The Roqqett checkout has been designed to feel like a step into the future for all donors. Designed to be simple so anyone can do it, built to be fast so that it feels good and keeps donors coming back.
Donate in 3 simple steps:
The checkout process is faster and easier when customers don't need to fill out fields or type in card numbers.
Tapping to authenticate with a banking app means it’s safe and secure too.
Reduce fraud, improve cashflow and save 74% on transaction fees with Roqqett. As we integrate directly with the banks, there are no card fees which means you get to keep more of what's yours.
Automatic Gift Aid for Roqqett users or a couple of simple fields to fill out for those not yet on our platform.
We can also provide valuable data capture tools at checkout. Find out who your best customers are with anonymised info on donors.
Book a 15 minute demo with us to see the future of UK online payments and how it can help your business.
Boost revenue and get instant settlements before shipping any orders with Roqqett Pay.
Boost loyalty and sales with a complete express checkout journey for your customers.